Be About Your (Child’s) Business
Lastly, leave the light on, the door open and plenty of space for them to come tell you about their business. Make most of their business, your business.

Are You Getting What You Expected Out Of Fatherhood?
Embrace it, whether expected or not. After all, there is nothing like it. And that IS reality.

A Different Type Of Dad
Being different isn’t bad. In fact, it’s an honor to be considered “A Different Type Of Dad”.

Stand For Children
“History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children.”

Up For The Challenge
“Accept the challenges, so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.”

Credibility Matters
“Keep credibility in the center of your relationship with your children. Make sure it is engraved in your foundation.”

Best Friends?
“If you hang around your children long enough, you just might become best friends.” - Linell Greene

Bigger Than Basketball
To those of us who are left behind, let me offer this bit of encouragement: hug your loved ones a little tighter. Do what you said you were going to do long after you said it. Push yourself to the limit, and then push yourself some more. Study the craft in front of you, and love as if there is no tomorrow. #Mambamentality