Stand For Children

Recently, we were grievously reminded just how fragile life can be. We were reminded just how quickly things can change. Reminded that our children can enter into a place deemed as safe and protected only to never return back home to their families later that day. This tragedy, although not the first of its kind, seemed to rattle the homes of families a little more. I’m not sure why, but this one stings. Maybe it’s because both of my children are around that age. And also the children of a lot of the people I connect with. Maybe it was the ease in which it happened or the scrutiny of how it was defused by local authorities. Or maybe, just maybe, it was because as a nation, we are tired of seeing not only people being senselessly murdered, but to see our children of the future be gun downed in the midst of their childhood. So, no matter where you stand about gun policies, I am almost certain that you agree that what happened on May 24, 2022 in Uvalde, Texas, was unimaginable. Heartbreaking.

“If we don’t stand up for children, then we don’t stand for much.”

Marian Wright Edelman

Ironically enough, June 1 marks the day where we spread awareness regarding the welfare of children. And although it’s nationally celebrated on this date, it should be something that we continuously strive to improve in all of our communities everyday of the year.

As adults, as fathers, how do we show up for our children? How do we stand up for our children? Are we taking time to tap into their well being? Do we create a safe space with our children that allows them to lean into us when needed? Do we talk to our children about the effects of bullying and how to effectively handle bullying? Do we talk to our children about the importance of being active, playing a sport or learning a new skill? Are we encouraging our children with positive affirmations? Are we supporters of their ability to learn? How exactly are YOU standing up for your children?

I would love to tell you that the tragedies will end. That every parent will pour love, wisdom and courage into their child. That from here on out, our children will not have to worry about certain worries. But I can’t. I can’t because as a nation we are so far from that reality and the truth is we will never see that reality. However, we can hope. I can hope… that maybe one person reads this and decides to tap in a little more. Decides to stand up not only for their children but for our children. Our children deserve that at least. For someone to stand in their corner. So please take a moment to reflect and better yet put into action a plan to help stand up for our children. They need us now more than ever. Thank you for reading. #HappyWithDaddy


A Different Type Of Dad


Up For The Challenge