Happy With Daddy has had the pleasure of being featured, interviewed and highlighted across many media platforms. On this page, we share with you some of our most memorable highlights. As always, thank you for your love and support of our brand and for allowing us to empower, encourage and motivate fatherhood across the world.
The Sheepdog Dad Podcast
On this episode, I am joined by Linell Greene from Happy With Daddy. Linell and I discuss fatherhood and enjoying time spent with your children.
Culture Talks
Linell Greene is a Devoted Girl Dad to two beautiful daughters. He is a motivational advocate for Fatherhood and Founder of the brand, Happy With Daddy. Happy With Daddy is a platform to celebrate and encourage fathers everywhere to be active in their children’s lives. With a MISSION to encourage fathers to become dads, to celebrate the joys of fatherhood, to motivate men to play a crucial role in the upbringing of their children and to help dads change the narrative of how fatherhood is viewed in our society today.
The old year is gone. The new year is here. And with the beginning of each year… we hope, we dream, we wonder and we expect. But also, we reflect. We reflect on the last 12 months. The good, the bad and the ugly. Some of our moments from the past 365 days we carry with us into the new year. And unfortunately, some of our moments from the past we have to learn how to move on without into the new year. Nevertheless, here we are. Page 1 of 365. But, before we jump into the new year, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on some of the pictures that make us proud to bring this platform to you everyday. We would not be able to highlight the best fathers in the world if not for the support from all of you. So from the Happy With Daddy family to your family, we wish you great health, success and prosperity in the new year. Let’s continue raising the bar for the fathers that trail us and the children that watch us.