Dear Time
Time, I know that you are going to move with or without my approval. Whether I cling to you with pressed knuckles or let you flow through my hands like wet sand, I am aware that you will keep moving forward. You may wonder how that makes me feel… as a Father, as a man. It unconsciously puts me in a position to cherish each and every moment I have with my daughters. It forces me to seek for the smiles and pull out the laughs in what you have given me. It makes me daydream of the past, wishing I could go back and relive those moments again.
So time, as we go on our way, I will not fight you. I will not yell at you to give me more of you. Instead, I am going to use what you have given me and create the best memories with my children. I am going to live a life worth living. I am going to cherish every “Daddy!!'' Squeeze a little tighter with every hug. I will not wipe off any kisses, no matter how wet they are. I will say yes at times where I want to say no. I will place my hand on their shoulder even when they don’t need it. I will stare at them a little longer and kiss them a little harder. I will laugh at our mistakes and celebrate our victories. I will spend minutes fixing their heart breaks and hours making them smile. Time, I will use you. I will use you, so that they can pull more from me. And maybe one day they will say, “I remember this one time, my Dad…”. So thank you, time, for everything you have and will continue to give me.