The brand that celebrates and encourages fathers everywhere.
My World From My Living Room
by Chaz Langley
Are you looking for inspiration on how to balance your parenting responsibilities with your creative pursuits? Look no further than this episode of my podcast - where I cover the ways in which I've managed to stay creative while raising my son. Join me as I delve deep into how to create a life that allows us to explore our creativity while still taking care of our families. Learn the strategies and tools you can use to find time, focus and energy for both parenting and being creative. Whether you're a podcast listener, a creator, or just looking for some inspiring ideas - this is an episode you won't want to miss!
Be About Your (Child’s) Business
Being about your child’s business is not intrusive. It is not overbearing, nor is it “too much”. There is a healthy approach to it and that is the message I am trying to convey. I get it, life is moving faster than it ever has for a lot of us parents. We can barely keep up with the commitments we have, let alone the commitments of our children as well. But being too busy in your own business, in your own world and not making intentional time to be in your child’s, can have consequences.
“Every child deserves to know what it feels like to be loved by their father.”